Ik ben Ellen Rosina en de oprichtster van Stichting Form-Ed op 30 Oktober 2008 in Den Haag.
Ik werkte als docent Engels en Levensbeschouwing op de Escamp College in Den Haag, Nederland. Door mijn kennis en sociale achtergrond en mijn gedrevenheid om voor onze Antilliaanse/Caribische doelgroep op te komen en te tonen dat het ook anders kon dat er gesproken werd. Ik kon mij inleven in de Antilliaanse/Caribische toestanden, de jongeren, het gedrag, de families en cultuur eromheen, de taalbarrière die kenbaar was en de begeleidingen die daardoor zijn ontstaan.
Ik geloofde in DOEN en niet alleen maar praten! en Nog steeds!
In de formatie van Stichting Form-Ed zijn er 5 leden.
Ellen Rosina – Bestuur Vertegenwoordigster – Docent Coach, Mentor, Counselor & Studenten Begeleiding & NLP deskundige.
Reangelo Ortega – Coach – Sport -Muziek en Brassband instructeur en Leider.
Michael Arrindell – Coach – PR – Brassband Manager – Veiligheid Controller & Sport..
Frederik de Palm – Adviseur – Algemene zaken.
Quentin Bilkerdijk- Tekenaar- Creativiteit & Design Arts- Vrijetijdsbesteding
Onze doelen zijn dat iedereen het recht heeft zich te ontwikkelen tot een betere mens. Vooruitstrevend. Onze contributie hierbij is door het geven van motiverende cursussen. Kennis uitbreiding en Algemene Ontwikkeling. Kansen geven om iets nieuws te leren o.a. door muziek instrument te spelen of om jouw talenten op een creatieve manier te tonen.
Naar gelang worden er verschillende ontwikkeling cursussen gegeven
Wij worden vaak gevraagd en uitgenodigd om in taalloze activiteiten te participeren.
English Version
Purpose of the Form-Ed Foundation
1. Coaching
2. Mentoring
3. Counseling
4. Cartoons drawing & paintings concepts
5. Students and Parents activities
6. Youth debates
7. Rolmodels interviews
8. BrassBand performances and youth activities
9. Student Guidance Counseling
10. Educational and motivational talks
11. Budget & money matters
12. Signaling and referrals
13. Empowering & Public Speaking
14. Volunteering activities
Form-Ed Foundation
Form-Ed foundation was established on October 30th 2008 by Ms. Ellen Rosina in The Hague, The Netherlands.
At that time she was an English and Life Philosophy Teacher for many years at the Escamp College in The Hague, The Netherlands.
During that time she was also a Coach, Counselor, Mentor and a Casemanager at several schools in The Hague and also a Student Guidance Counselor for Antillean/ Caribbean students arriving here in The Netherlands from abroad, to further their studies.
Mrs. Rosina saw the need and the strugle that a lot of our Antillean/Caribbean students & youths were facing and decided with her school approval to provide that help and guidance that was necessary.
For years she was substituted by the schoolboards, but since several budget-cut of the schools projects, it became difficult to continue providing service and guidance for these students.
She then decided to start her own foundation. Stichting Form-Ed, which is a Non Profit organization and stands for ; Educational Formation, “Formatie en Educatie” in the Dutch language.
She formed this Non profit board, consisting of 5 members.
Ellen Rosina, Reangelo Ortega, Frederik de Palm, Michael Arrindell and Quentin Bilkerdijk,
together we formed and stand for the principalities that through Educating people in whatsoever level they are, they can form and become a better person in this community for themselves and others, through their motivated attitudes.
Their contributions in Foundation FORM-ED are:
CEO– Empowerment-Public Speaker-NLP Coach- Ellen Rosina
Entertainment-Sports-Brassband Leader-Reangelo Ortega
Road Manager-PR- Entertainment-Michael Arrindell
General matters-Advisor- Frederik de Palm
Creativity Art-Designer-Aatist-Quentin Bilkerdijk
Our aim is to “Better Yourself”in:
Educational matters to level up.
Participation to upgrade and stand out.
Entertainments in social activities and to free your mind
– During the years Foundation Form-Ed, under guidance of Ellen Rosina was mostly active with Coaching & Counseling at different schools.
She organized and took care of Buddies projects
She organized and did Coachings projects.
– Organizing meetings and participations of parents at school related activities and setting up of parents comission.
– Afterschools youths programs and creativities.
– Active by giving and attending with severals educational seminars and workshops for students, youths and adults.
– Organizing educational programs for several women organisations.
– Individual & group Coaching and Counseling sections
– Individual & group Mentoring Guidance.
– Public Speaker
– Motivational & Empowerment activities.