Werkt momenteel met Naam Plaats Website AMELIA RGG (PTY) LTD | Anna Maria Botha Van Wykshout Avenue, Bergview Oos, Musina Ward 6, Musina, Musina Local Municipality, Vhembe District Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa
Certificaten Name Number Valid till Certification (sub scope) Sub scope The Neuro Coach Method ™ | Wellness Coach® ICR.SUB SCOPE THE NEURO COACH METHOD ™ | WELLNESS COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).A.M. (ANNA MARIA)-BOTHA.2023-10-01.SYAYFR 2029-01-01 Certification (sub scope) Sub scope The Neuro Coach Method ™ | Ecometric Coach® ICR.SUB SCOPE THE NEURO COACH METHOD ™ | ECOMETRIC COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).A.M. (ANNA MARIA)-BOTHA.2023-10-01.WHQEXB 2029-01-01 Certification (sub scope) Sub scope Transformation Coaching Academy ™ | Life Coach® ICR.SUB SCOPE TRANSFORMATION COACHING ACADEMY ™ | LIFE COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).A.M. (ANNA MARIA)-BOTHA.2023-10-01.DRMUFC 2029-01-01 Certification (full) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (FULL).A.M. (ANNA MARIA)-BOTHA.2023-10-01.VSAKDR 2029-01-01 Certification (associate) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).A.M. (ANNA MARIA)-BOTHA.2023-08-01.QQOMWW 2023-10-01
Lidmaatschappen en specialisaties Language specialism | English Language specialism | Afrikaans Life Coach
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