K. (Kailie) Labuschagne

 K.  (Kailie) Labuschagne
K. (Kailie) Labuschagne
Kailie Labuschagne

Specialist Wellness Counsellor and Supervised Contact Practitioner - Marriage Counsellor & Sexual health


New World Mission International University
Johannesburg Metropolitan Area

Kailie is a qualified mental health practitioner, specialising in human sexuality, relationships and related trauma. Her holistic practice focuses on empowering individuals by enhancing their individual, relational, sexual and emotional health. Online and face-to-face counselling sessions are available. Kailie recently completed training as a supervised contact/visitation practitioner in Cape Town. As a registered specialist wellness counsellor (ASCHP SWC22/1228), Kailie follows a code of conduct and ethics, ensuring that all legal, anonymous and ethical elements are adhered to.

Rapha Contact
While a family unit might no longer be whole, the unit still exists between the parents and the children. Rapha is here to ensure the safety of each person within this unit, as parents spend quality time with their children. This is a safe space for parent child restoration.

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Certification (associate) ADR conflictnavigator | conflict coaching | conflict coach ADR.ICR.ADR CONFLICTNAVIGATOR | CONFLICT COACHING | CONFLICT COACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).K. (KAILIE)-LABUSCHAGNE.2024-07-01.HUDEBT 2030-01-01

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Contact K. (Kailie) Labuschagne

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