Currently working with Name Place Website Mediation Molenzicht | Anja Frosch 18, Putsmolentje, Bedrijventerrein Drei Hoeven, Ossendrecht, Woensdrecht, North Brabant, Netherlands, 4641SK, The Netherlands
Certificates Name Number Valid till Recognition (training program) Training provider AMV Opleidingen Kinderen Scheiden Mee Coach® ICR.TRAINING PROVIDER AMV OPLEIDINGEN KINDEREN SCHEIDEN MEE COACH®.RECOGNITION (TRAINING PROGRAM).A.B.M. (ANJA)-FROSCH.2023-02-01.LJTXXQ N/A Certification (associate) Conflictnavigator - conflict coach ADR.ICR.CONFLICTNAVIGATOR - CONFLICT COACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).A.B.M. (ANJA)-FROSCH.2021-02-01.MC3A7I 2027-01-01
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