A. (Annelien) Feldtmann

 A. (Annelien) Feldtmann CA(SA), MCom Taxation
A. (Annelien) Feldtmann CA(SA), MCom Taxation
I am a qualified Neuro-coach and Chartered Accountant with more than 20 years experience in the private and public sector. I am deeply passionate about people development and helping individuals achieve their dreams.

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Certification (sub scope) Sub scope The Neuro Coach Method ™ | Life Coach® ICR.SUB SCOPE THE NEURO COACH METHOD ™ | LIFE COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).A. (ANNELIEN)-FELDTMANN.2021-09-01.UQPHYI 2027-01-01
Certification (full) Coach ICR.COACH.CERTIFICATION (FULL).A. (ANNELIEN)-FELDTMANN.2021-09-01.QJUTVK 2027-01-01

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