G.A.A. (Gonda) Sprenkels

drs G.A.A. (Gonda) Sprenkels
drs G.A.A. (Gonda) Sprenkels
Gonda Sprenkels

zelfstandig verzekeringsarts

VerzuimConsult BV

Breda, North Brabant, Netherlands


Name Number Valid till
Certification (sub scope) ICR sub scope | coaching with horses | horse & life coaching ICR.ICR SUB SCOPE | COACHING WITH HORSES | HORSE & LIFE COACHING.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).G.A.A. (GONDA)-SPRENKELS.2024-01-05.ZURYPS 2030-01-01
Certification (sub scope) ICR practitioner - medically qualified ICR.ICR PRACTITIONER - MEDICALLY QUALIFIED.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).G.A.A. (GONDA)-SPRENKELS.2024-01-05.MGGKMG 2030-01-01
Certification (associate) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).G.A.A. (GONDA)-SPRENKELS.2024-01-05.MPUWBW 2030-01-01

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Contact G.A.A. (Gonda) Sprenkels

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