J.T. (Johan) Claassen

Doctor (Dr.) J.T.  (Johan) Claassen
Doctor (Dr.) J.T. (Johan) Claassen
Johan Claassen

Spiritual Director; Interior Designer; Certified Life-Coach; Neethling Brain Institute Practitioner

Design Central SA

The Interior Design Institute
Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Kort biografie
Kortliks was hy tot en met die aanvang van die Covid-19 pandemie ‘n Predikant, Publieke spreker, Prediker, Lewensafrigter, Gospelsanger, Aanbiddingsleier, Aanbieder van Retreats (Gebed, genesing, huwelike) Hy het ook baie weke van gebed, Pinkster byeenkomste en verskeie seminare en kampe aangebied en as spreker opgetree. Hy het ook aanlyn bedien en Bybel kursusse aangebied.

Nuwe uitdagings vir vandag
Johan moes, soos almal op aarde, nuut dink en innoverend wees. Na baie prosesse en kursusse begin daar `n nuwe lewe “oopgaan”.

Huidige fokus:
Gesertifiseerde Lewensafrigter (Life-Coach)
Praktisyn by Kobus Neethling Brein Instituut (Breinprofiele / Denkvoorkeure)
Geestelike leiding en opleiding (Spiritual Director)
Deeltydse: Administratiewe assistent by Design Central – Evette Annandale

Verdere agtergrond
Johan is in 1961 in Benoni gebore en het in Vereeniging in ‘n pastorie grootgeword. Hy was in die Laerskool Handhawer en het aan die Hoërskool Vereeniging gematrikuleer. Ná matriek het hy onderwys studeer, en daarna Teologie en in die bediening gegaan.

Op die ouderdom van 10 het Johan reeds gevoel dat God hom geroep het om deel van Sy bediening te wees, maar aanvanklik het hy doelbewus en doelgerig van hierdie roeping af weghardloop.

Johan is in 1983 met Hannalie getroud en hulle het twee wonderlike kinders uit die huwelik. Albei kinders is nou getroud met wonderlike lewensmaats. Hulle het ook twee juwele van kleinseuns.

Na sy studies aan die Universiteit van Potchefstroomse vir CHO het die eerste onderwyspos gewag. By die Laerskool Emfulenipark in Vanderbijlpark het hy sy eerste tree in die onderwys gegee. Hierna skuif hy na die die Hoërskool Vereeniging waar hy `n paar jaar terug gematrikuleer het. .

Sang was altyd deel van sy lewe en die huis waarin hy grootgeword het. Sy musikale opleiding was klassiek van aard, maar hy het gedurende sy jare as onderwyser “Gospel Musiek” begin sing.

Groot kruispad in die lewe
In 1989 het hy en Hannalie ‘n gebedseminaar bygewoon wat deur Francois Vosloo van Operasie Mobilisasie aangebied is. Hier het die Heilige Gees duidelik met beide Johan en Hannalie gepraat en hulle het die Here se leiding begin soek. Die Heilige Gees het hulle baie duidelik gelei. As gevolge hiervan het hulle besluit dat Johan verder moes studeer en in gehoorsaamheid aan hierdie openbaring het hy as predikant gekwalifiseer.

Ná ses jaar in die onderwys, het Johan bedank en na Stellenbosch verhuis, waar hy sy B. Th graad aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch voltooi het. Ná hierdie studies is hy na die NG Gemeente Elarduspark in die ooste van Pretoria beroep.

Na 13 jaar as ‘n dominee het hy egter die gemeente bediening bedank en op vryskut basis landswyd en in die buiteland te bedien.

Short biography

Johan was born in Benoni in 1961 and grew up in Vereeniging in a parsonage. He was in Handhawer Primary School and matriculated from the Highschool Vereeniging. After matric, he studied education, and then Theology and went into ministry.

At the age of 10, Johan already felt that God had called him to be a part of His ministry, however, initially, he felt like running away from this calling.

In 1983, Johan was married to Hannalie and they have two wonderful children from the marriage. Both children are now married to great partners.

After this, the first teaching position was held at the Emfulenipark Primary School in Vanderbijl Park. He then went on to the Highschool Vereeniging.

Singing was always part of his life and the house in which he grew up. His musical training was classical in nature, but he began to sing “Gospel Music” during his years as a teacher.

However, in 1989 he and Hannalie attended a prayer seminar that was hosted by Francois Vosloo from Operation Mobilization. Here the Holy Spirit spoke clearly to both Johan and Hannalie and they started seeking the Lord’s guidance. The Spirit leads them to the decision that Johan had to study further and in obedience to this revelation he qualified as a minister.

After six years of being a teacher, Johan resigned and moved to Stellenbosch, where he completed his B.Th. degree at the University of Stellenbosch. After these studies, he was appointed to the NG Elarduspark in the East of Pretoria, where he was a pastor for 13 years. He also has since completed the M.Th. degree (Christian Spirituality) and D.Div degree (Practical Theology and Messianic studies).

Johan resigned as minister of religion of the Dutch Reformed Church at the end of April 2008 and continued to minister by means of retreats, music ministry, prayer and other seminars and Daniel Men’s conferences and was already involved in more than 140 of these conferences. He was since 2013 part of the staff at Jericho Walls International Prayer Network until December 2017

Johan is also affiliated with the organization, Christian Fellowship of Ministries, and is an ordained pastor and marriage officiant.

He founded Desireknowledge.com in May 2019 and is Pastoring Ecclesia Agape Faith Community since 2018

In short, he is a Pastor, Public speaker, Preacher, life coach, Gospel singer, Worship leader, Presenter of retreats (Prayer, healing, marriage) He, therefore, preached at many weeks of prayer meetings, Pentecost meetings, and various seminars and camps. At present, he is setting up an online ministry and teaching website.

Currently working with

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Name Number Valid till
Certification (full) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (FULL).J.T. (JOHAN)-CLAASSEN.2024-09-01.IXNBXA 2030-01-01
Certification (sub scope) ICR practitioner - counselling (counsellor practitioner) ICR.ICR PRACTITIONER - COUNSELLING (COUNSELLOR PRACTITIONER).CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).J.T. (JOHAN)-CLAASSEN.2024-07-01.QSVBQE 2030-01-01
Certification (associate) ICR practitioner - NLP coaching ICR.ICR PRACTITIONER - NLP COACHING.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).J.T. (JOHAN)-CLAASSEN.2024-07-01.WUIAMR 2030-01-01
Certification (sub scope) Sub scope The Neuro Coach Method ™ | Life Coach® ICR.SUB SCOPE THE NEURO COACH METHOD ™ | LIFE COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).J.T. (JOHAN)-CLAASSEN.2024-07-01.AZFCMD 2030-01-01
Certification (associate) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).J.T. (JOHAN)-CLAASSEN.2024-07-01.FCNJSN 2024-09-01

Memberships and specialisms

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