S.M. (Salomie) van der Vyver

 S.M. (Salomie) van der Vyver
S.M. (Salomie) van der Vyver
Salomie Van der Vyver


Salomi Consultancy (Pty) Ltd.

Highschool Vrede
Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Who is Salomie?

I was born and raised on a farm in the Free State, South Africa. I am the oldest of 5 children.

Early in my life I experienced a lot of difficulties. My Dad was killed in a car accident when I was 2 and a half years old, which was very difficult. Early in my life I have learnt that life is not easy, but by the Grace of God I managed to get through a lot of challenges.

I always felt there is so much more to life. Dealing with my own Trauma and Emotions was a huge step towards inner healing and I realized I have a purpose. I educated myself with different types of courses, which include Certificates in:

-Trauma Processing
-Theologos School of Ministry Counselling
-School of Supernatural Ministry
-Destiny Finder
-Executive Coaching
-Life Coaching


Name Number Valid till
Certification (sub scope) Sub scope The Neuro Coach Method ™ | Life Coach® ICR.SUB SCOPE THE NEURO COACH METHOD ™ | LIFE COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).S.M. (SALOMIE)-VAN DER VYVER.2024-08-01.AESTIJ 2030-01-01
Certification (associate) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).S.M. (SALOMIE)-VAN DER VYVER.2024-08-01.NSBWAQ 2030-01-01

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Contact S.M. (Salomie) van der Vyver

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