S. (Sanet) Hattingh

 S.  (Sanet) Hattingh B.Sc HED
S. (Sanet) Hattingh B.Sc HED
Sanet (Fourie) Hattingh

Teacher at Stellenberg High

Stellenberg High

DF Malan High
City of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Currently working with

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Name Number Valid till
Certification (sub scope) Sub scope The Neuro Coach Method ™ | Life Coach® ICR.SUB SCOPE THE NEURO COACH METHOD ™ | LIFE COACH®.CERTIFICATION (SUB SCOPE).S. (SANET)-HATTINGH.2024-09-01.RSANNI 2030-01-01
Certification (associate) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (ASSOCIATE).S. (SANET)-HATTINGH.2024-09-01.YJWLPX 2030-01-01

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