V. (Vishen) Lakhiani

 V. (Vishen) Lakhiani
V. (Vishen) Lakhiani

Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Vishen moved to Michigan, USA in 1995 to study at the University of Michigan, where he majored in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. There he discovered AIESEC, a non-profit student run organization dedicated to nurturing young leaders into becoming global leaders who want to make a difference in society, and eventually became the Vice President for the USA team, in charge of nominating and sending AIESEC students abroad for internship programs.

In 2001 he moved to New York to work for a technology company in the legal industry. To deal with the stress of the job, he turned to meditation, and studied The Silva Method, a popular mindfulness program developed by Jose Silva. Inspired, he became a qualified instructor and began teaching meditation classes for the program.

Realizing that there was great potential for meditation and personal development in the digital world, he launched Mindvalley in 2003 (with former partner Mike Reining) as a digital publisher and marketer of self-help programs and courses.

Evercoach by Mindvalley works with the world’s leading teachers and coaches on programs and experiences that ignite massive change, enhance your practice, drive better results and help you expand your business.

Whether you’re a coach, teacher, expert, educator, speaker or an author we’re here for you. Elevate yourself with some of the most transformational wisdom and ideas for your practice and your business on the planet – presented through game-changing design, tech, and community models. And all with the support of a global tribe that uplifts you and makes learning fun.

This is lifelong education – reimagined for the future.

Currently working with

Name Place Website
Mindvalley Jalan Damansara, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, 50566, Malaysia


Name Number Valid till
Certification (full) ICR main scope | coach ICR.ICR MAIN SCOPE | COACH.CERTIFICATION (FULL).V. (VISHEN)-LAKHIANI.2018-05-01.7R3N4Y 2026-01-01
Reward (practitioner of excellence) ICR practitioner - coach of excellence ICR.ICR PRACTITIONER - COACH OF EXCELLENCE.REWARD (PRACTITIONER OF EXCELLENCE).V. (VISHEN)-LAKHIANI.2018-02-01.0I5L9C 2026-01-01

Contact V. (Vishen) Lakhiani

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