M. Boelryk

 M. Boelryk LL.D MA-Criminology
M. Boelryk LL.D MA-Criminology
Mr. M. Boelryk, LL.D. MA-Criminology certified Court-mediator & Arbitrator. “(...) is quite an extraordinary person with a sharp mind and a friendly heart. When in his company, you can be sure, that you will have a sincere and friendly person on your side. Hospitality and willingness to give his undivided attention are just natural byproducts of having such a personality.” Avo2010

Boelryk obtained his law degree in Amsterdam in 1991. In 1992 he became Master in Criminology. Boelryk received his Doctorate in Law in 1998. Since 2000 he is certified as Court-mediator. He worked as assistant professor in Criminal Law in Amsterdam. He was treasurer for Forensic Society for many years. He was also visiting scholar at the Boalt Hall Law School, Berkeley, University of California. He has insights of Christian and Islamic Law as well as in Buddhist principles. He met locals in Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar. Boelryk gives workshops at international conferences in Europe and USA. He is founding Partner of Empathy.nLaw Mediation & Law Services. At this firm he worked as a crisis manager for multinational companies, dealing with multiple interests and fields of law, including labor law and administrative law.
He is author of several Dispute Resolution handbooks \'Bemiddeling als alternatief\' (2001); \'Communicatie over arbeidsomstandigheden\' (2003) & \'Mediation voor verwijzers\' (2005) and juridical checklists and publications. In 2010 the 2nd edition of Mediation as an Alternative was published. In 2014 the English translation of Mediation as Alternative is published.
From 2014 he did a six years participant observation about a dodgy cooperation between government officials and private businesses. In 2020 he published a whistleblowing book about administrative acts dealing with real estate. His latest book: "Bouw Vuiligheden, Onderzoek naar Onterechte Bouw Constructies en Bouw Geschil Beslechting" ISBN 978.90.78470.205 can be ordered at http://actumail.securearea.eu . Since he questioned the legality of the acts of civil servants he has been cancelled by the Municipality of Amstelveen. Therefor is he is an experienced coach for whistleblowers and advisor Whistleblower Protection.
Boelryk is expert in ADR: Appropriate Dispute Resolution systems and as such an expert conflict manager. Nowadays he focus on coaching expats, executives and others who like to get support in handling challenges in a new environment.


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Certification (full) ADR conflictnavigator | conflict coaching | conflict coach ADR.ICR.ADR CONFLICTNAVIGATOR | CONFLICT COACHING | CONFLICT COACH.CERTIFICATION (FULL).M.-BOELRYK.2015-01-01.6E3G6G 2026-01-01

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