International Certification Council | ICC Council

International Certification Council | ICC Council
International Certification Council | ICC Council

Postal Address
P.O. Box 5530
NL 6802 EM Arnhem

Visiting Address
Friedhofskapelle, 14, Friedensstraße, Leegmeer, Emmerich on the Rhine, Bedburg-Hau, Kreis Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia, 46446, Germany

T: +31(0)88 0038 780 (landline)
M: +49(0)3221 100 1000 (landline)

Following the ISO 17024 criteria Global Network Group (GNG) needs to hold a committee of experts or a quality standards committee. GNG wishes these committees to be independent. Therefor GNG established the International Certification Council (ICC Council). The ICC Council is a separately UK registered legal entity. The specific task is to maintain and to create registration and certification criteria, to integrate these criteria into the GNG certification scheme’s and to control compliance & enforcement.

ICC Council is crewed by experts within the specific registration and certification fields and scopes.
All GNG accredited agencies have a voting representative within the scope related council.

Robert Tettelaar is managing director of the ICC Council.
Herman Vermeer is the independent chairman of the ICC Council.

ICC Council distinguishes to the regions Europe (ECC Council | European Certification Council) and Africa (ACC Council | African Certification Council).

As GNG entered Africa since Jan 2016 we are in the middle of the start-up and constitution of the African Certification Council.
This structure facilitates and guarantees that the operational handling of the GNG registers is 100% separated from the content based decisionmaking.

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ICR coaching company - organisation | basic registration - not certified Company basic registration (not certified) ICR.COMPANY BASIC REGISTRATION (NOT CERTIFIED).ICR COACHING COMPANY - ORGANISATION | BASIC REGISTRATION - NOT CERTIFIED.INTERNATIONAL-CERTIFICATION-COUNCIL-ICC-COUNCIL.2016-01-01.5P8O8R 2025-01-01

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